রাজডক - Rajdoc

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হেপ্টা হেলথ কেয়ার

ফোন নম্বর এর জন্য : লগিন করুন

Hepta Health Care

Socho Tower (3rd and 4th floor) Bangabandhu Chattar, Rajshahi 6100

Hepta Health Care is a modernization of the former Hepta Health Care and Diagnostic Center. The center was established by Dr. Saeed Shafiqul Alam and some of his colleagues. Since the inception of Hepta Health Care, the center has been providing better treatment and healthcare to the patients. Rajshahi Vision 2021 Foundation took the initiative to modernize and expand this center in 2015.

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লক্ষ্মীপুর, রাজশাহী
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