রাজডক - Rajdoc

ডাঃ এর সিরিয়াল দিন

পাবনা আইডিয়াল ডায়াগনস্টিক সেন্টার

ফোন নম্বর এর জন্য : লগিন করুন

Pabna Ideal Diagnostic Centre

Sadar Hospital Road, Shalgaria, Pabna

Services include:
24/7 presence of specialist doctors
Gynaecology, medicine, children, heart disease, dermatology
All diseases including ear, nose, throat and joints are treated
There is digital ultrasonography, digital x-ray
Computer Pathology, Digital E, C, G

Specialist doctors of Pabna Ideal Diagnostic Centre

Price list of pathological tests

Test Name Price To other diagnostics
Test Name Price To other diagnostics
Test Name Price To other diagnostics
Test Name Price To other diagnostics
Test Name Price To other diagnostics
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প্যারামেডিকেল রোড
লক্ষ্মীপুর, রাজশাহী
Email: info@rajdoc.com
Phone: +8801753226626