রাজডক - Rajdoc

ডাঃ এর সিরিয়াল দিন

জনসেবা হাসপাতাল

ফোন নম্বর এর জন্য : লগিন করুন

Jonoseba Hospital

General Beds
Ac Beds
Duty Doctors
Duty Nurses
Operation Theatre
24Hours Medicine NO
Blood Bank
24Hours Service NO
Hasan Plaza, Madrasa Mor, Natore - 6400

Services include:
1. Here treatment facilities for different diseases through different specialist doctors.
2. All diseases are tested with modern equipment.
3. Operation of all diseases is possible through air-conditioned digital equipment in clean environment.
4. Here modern ultrasonography and ECG machines
5. There are also specialist doctor arrangements for orthopedics patients.
6. 24 hours nonstop service
7. Also here you will find diabetes, nose-ear-throat blood pressure, chest disease, typhoid, jaundice, allergy, neuromedicine, medicine specialist doctors.

প্যারামেডিকেল রোড
লক্ষ্মীপুর, রাজশাহী
Email: info@rajdoc.com
Phone: +8801753226626