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ডাঃ এর সিরিয়াল দিন


ডাঃ মোঃ নজরুল ইসলাম

Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam

MBBS, BCS, MD-Pediatric Hematology & Oncology (BSMMU)

Rajshahi's first and only Child Hematology & Thalassemia Specialist. Assistant Professor (Department of Pediatrics) Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital.

All diseases treated by:-
Prolonged fever unresponsive to medication, anemia, pale body, aplastic anemia, blood clots, jaundice, bleeding from the nose, mouth or urine, ITP, red or black stools in the bowels, Hemophilia, thalassemia, blood clots in the body, blood circulation problems, abdominal distension (hepato-spleen enlargement), red or black spots, bone softening and severe bone pain, leukaemia, lymphoma.

To get Serial:- 01784-529030


Ibn Sina Diagnostic and Consultation Centre, Rajshahi
Time: Sat, Sun, Mon, Wed & Thu: 3 pm to 9 pm Room No. (705)
Phone: Login

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