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Physio Point ফিজিও পয়েন্ট
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Physio Point ফিজিও পয়েন্ট

387, Sagar Para (East of Bholanath School)
Post- Ghoramara
Thana - Boalia
Phone - 01777243338

Schedule: Saturday - Thursday
For female patients - 3pm - 7pm
For male patients - 5pm - 9pm

- Manual Therapy
- Electro Therapy
- Exercise Therapy
- Soft Tissue Therapy
- Sports Injuries

- Female Physiotherapist for Women
- Air-conditioned
- Alternative Power System
- Advanced Equipment
- Skilled Physiotherapists


Selina Jahan Sonia
B.Sc. in Physiotherapy
Masters in Public Health
Post Graduate Diploma in Exercise Physiology
Diploma in Orthopaedic Medicine
Advanced Certificate in Manual Therapy
Lecturer, Prime Institute of Medical Technology
Former Lecturer, State College of Health Sciences, Dhaka
Former Physiotherapist, Rajshahi City Hospital

Md. Amanat Ullah Moon
B.Sc (Hons) in Physiotherapy
Diploma in Orthopaedic Medicine,
Certificate in Sports Medicine,
Certified Dry Needling Practitioner,
Certificate in Spinal Manual Therapy

Physiotherapist:- "Bangladesh Cricket Board".
Former Head Physiotherapist, Bangla Track Cricket Academy, Rajshahi.
Former Guest Lecturer, Institute of Health Technology, Rajshahi.

এই পাতাটি ৪০৭৬বার দেখা হয়েছে

প্যারামেডিকেল রোড
লক্ষ্মীপুর, রাজশাহী
Email: info@rajdoc.com
a part of Rajshahi Hub